Thursday, April 26, 2007

Me waxing philosophical

The first thing someone told me when I started this blog is don't say anything controversial - nothing political and keep the religious comments generic. Sorry, I don't think I can do that, I'd rather not blog at all.

I've been thinking and thinking about what I wanted to say about several things in the news including the Imus debacle and the horror that took place at Virginia Tech. Since I wasn't keeping up the blog, by the time I got back to it those things were pretty much old news.

I could say that my heart breaks for the families of those who died at Virginia Tech, and of course it does. I could say that I think Imus, although I abhor the "shock jock" genre, was a sacrificial lamb offered to appease the gods of political correctness. I could say that the real loser in the Imus controversy is us, the American public, because all that came out of it was a renewed racial divide and having to watch Black Panthers spout hate speech on national TV. I thought we were past that in the United States but if the media and the media hounds have their way, we'll stir up all the old racial tensions of the 60's and 70's. In a time in our country when we have a real common enemy, why should we turn against each other?

But none of this really touches on what is niggling in the back of my mind. I guess what bothers me is what is wrong with our country and is there anything we can do to make things better? Is it already way too late? I've said here before that I have seriously considered getting rid of TV in my home and maybe Internet, too. I could do my writing research at the library and they have little Palm PDA's to use for looking up Bible phrases, so in reality, I could do without the Internet. But that would only affect my little family and wouldn't really be doing anything to better the world in any way.
I could pray for our country and the world, and I do, but is there even a small "tangible" thing I can do to make a positive impact?

I don't know. The Bible teaches us that we are to be different than the rest of the world - set apart. People should be able to watch us and know we're different, and I don't mean little cutesy bumper stickers or just going to church on Sunday. I want to find a real way of showing the world that I'm a follower of The Way and that I'm not going to partake of the filth and hatred poisoning the world today.

We're all angry and frustrated. People are mean and rude on the phone, on the road, in the grocery store, in the workplace, Bad news is in our faces 24/7 and coming from every corner of the world. When something happens in a state half a continent away, it's flashed on our TV like it's happening across town. I don't know about ya'll but that stresses me out and causes anxiety. Maybe if I turn off the TV and spend quiet time with my daughter in the evening I wont be so wound up and frustrated during the day. Maybe I can be a little nicer on the road when someone is tail gaiting me or when someone
stands 2 inches behind me in line at the grocery store invading my personal space (my pet peeve).

This is just my little first step in de-stressing my life a bit and I'm sure it wouldn't work for everyone. But I truly think if we all look for just one way to slow down and stop to smell the roses with our loved ones, it might make us nicer people and maybe we can pass it on.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

RWA/ACFW Conferences and the #1 Son

I was doing a little bragging about finaling in my local RWA chapter contest and after the initial buzz wore off, I felt a bit depressed. Why, you ask? Because I started thinking that even though this event gives me just a small feeling of validation about my writing ability, I have always thought that in order to get published, one has to attend a conference and do the "pitching" to editors thing. I don't see myself being able to do that any time soon, so I thought I've pretty much done as much as I can do.

I got just a smidgen of hope after reading that Brenda Coulter was published right out of the gate on her first manuscript/first query. I don't expect that to happen with me, but at least it lets me know that some of the publishers are really reading the queries we send them.
What do ya'll think....are the conferences necessary? I mean, I know they're a good thing but are they a must?

Different subject. I finally got word that the care package I sent my son in Iraq reached him. I don't know if the homemade chocolate chip and oatmeal raisin cookies reached him in edible condition, but at least I know he got them along with the cans of nuts, beef jerky, ibuprofen, Gold Bond Powder, movies, crossword puzzles, magazines, books, etc., etc.!!
He says the locals are friendly and when the Marines go out into town they are swarmed by children asking for chocolate, pens and their goggles. He said that at times when he and the others guys have been sitting out under a tree, local ladies have brought them warm bread to eat. Does my heart good to hear that.
I've been thinking that in my next package I might even make up little sandwich size baggies with candy, colorful pens and little toys for him to pass out to the kids. Sort of a little Mom good will gesture.
I pray for the safety of all our troops and that they'll come home soon.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Anne Rice update

I became a fan of Anne Rice after reading "Christ the Lord, Out of Egypt," which for me, was something I would never have believed could happen. Part of the attraction (other than the great writing) is the sheer joyous, amazing fact that Anne returned to the faith of her youth after decades of being into the dark Vampire Chronicles period. How wonderful that she has rededicated her life to our Lord.
I e-mailed Anne at her website after I read the book and she gave me a nice personal reply. My daughter said, "No Mooooom, it was her "assistant." I choose to believe Anne, herself, e-mailed me.

I just checked in at her website and read the book is being made into a movie. Shooting is to begin in Israel in October. Yay! Can't wait to see that one.

Also, according to her website, her next installment in the series, "Christ the Lord, The Road to Cana," is due out next spring. I'm truly looking forward to reading this book.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I'm a Finalist!!!

Yes, I've been gone for -ummm - a long time. So much going on in my life and I've been neglecting many things, but I just had to shout it out, I'm a FINALIST in the Heartland Romance Authors Show Me The Spark! Contest!!!
I was just notified today and the first thing I said to the coordinator was, "There were only 5 or 6 contestants, right?" She assured me the contest had plenty of entrants from all over the country.
I'm just thrilled that my entry will be critiqued by published author Carla Cassidy, Harlequin editor, Laura Barth, and agent, Jennifer Jackson of the Donald Maass Literary Agency. Woo hoo!!

I'll be back later to rant about Don Imus and talk about a few other things that have been on my mind.