Friday, January 05, 2007

Parasailing, RWA Contests and Brenda Coulter

Hey...just wanted to share a photo of big scardey cat me, PARA SAILING in Hawaii! Maybe ya'll think this is no biggie but if you had any idea what a coward I've been all my life about both heights and water, you'd know what a major accomplishment this was for me.
I just figgered it was time to conquer at least one of my fears and I managed to (sort of) kill two birds with one stone. And besides, my new daughter-in-law's mother was there so I had to be cool.
On to another subject.
I'm entering my first romance writing contest at my local RWA Chapter and I'm so excited and nervous. I don't delude myself for one moment that I'm gonna win or even place, but I hope to get some good feedback. I've heard all the horror stories about entrants being crushed by bad feedback from not-so-kind judges but I think it's time for me to jump in and get my feet wet. Hey...that kinda ties in with my overcoming my fear of water, doesn't it? (Okay, I'm giddy tonight.)
Brenda Coulter says she doesn't want to judge the RITAs because she's easily bored by bad writing. C'mon Brenda, be a good sport, girl! Somebody has to read your entry, don't they?

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