Monday, January 22, 2007

What? Too much information??

You know how some mornings and the sun is shining, the birds are singing and you just can't wait to get out and face the day?
Well, this ain't one of those days.
It's Monday, it's cloudy, the beautiful white snow that blanketed my neighborhood yesterday is now tracked up from all the sledding and snowman making and the streets are filled with ugly black slush.
The holidays are over and my son has gone back to Hawaii with his new wife. The time for him to deploy to Iraq grows ever nearer and he doesn't call me much anymore.
I know, I know...will someone please call the WAHMBULANCE?!

Then we have the -- dare I say it -- crazy woman hormones. Actually, I think it's probably more like a good case of Seasonal Affective Disorder. I need sunshine!

But you know what I've discovered really, really does help me? A cocktail of Super B Complex, 1000 IUs of Vitamin E, and Salmon Oil. Don't ask me why, but when I stopped taking it for a couple of weeks, all the ugly symptoms hit me hard and heavy, but within a week of resuming the vitamins, I felt 100% better again.

Now that you know more about me than you ever wanted to know, I'll move on to a happier subject. I'm working with a writing partner on a western novel and we are within one chapter of being done with the rough draft, then on to the polishing and editing.
I never thought I'd like to write with another person but I'm really enjoying writing with my friend because he's a man and I don't have to worry about whether or not I'm saying things the way a man would say them. I think we've come up with a really good balance in our writing and brainstorming, and he is the soul of patience with me.
Hopefully, we'll have this manuscript completely finished within a short time.

Well, I'm making beef lentil soup and cornbread for dinner. Maybe some comfort food will make me feel better.

But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.
Romans 8:25

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Snowy, snowy day

We woke up to a beautiful blanket of snow here in Missouri. I love when it's still like this...clean and pristine.
Caitlin and her older sister Kristin are out making a snowman and they've taken the sled outside so I need to get the hot chocolate ready.

This is my favorite recipe:
3 cups whole milk
1 cup half-and-half
1/4 cup good quality cocoa powder
1 teaspoon instant espresso or coffee powder
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Place milk and half-and-half in a saucepan and heat to just below a simmer over medium heat.
Meanwhile, stir together the cocoa powder, sugar, instant espresso or coffee powder and cinnamon. A few teaspoons at a time, stir the hot milk into the cocoa mixture to make a smooth paste. Scrape the cocoa mixture into the saucepan with the milk and simmer 2 minutes; do not let it boil. Stir in the vanilla and keep warm in a thermos.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is where my thoughts are today

Isaiah 40:31
But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Hello from the Frozen Tundra

Life can be a barrel of laughs in the Midwest.
Late yesterday I decided it was time to poke my nose out the ice encrusted door and venture out to the grocery store. The first problem was that the door didn't want to open, but being the go-getter I am, I was able to finally get it open.

Problem number 2 was getting from my glazed porch and across the ice rink of a yard, to my block of ice formerly known a a mini van. I made Caitlin help (of course she thought it was fun) and finally we got the van door open. She started the engine and we left it running for almost an hour until we were able to chisel the ice off the windshield.

No school today for the kids! Yipee!
Today's adventure was trying to get the mail. Of course, the mailbox was also encased in ice, so Caitlin took a hammer to it to get it open. What fun boys and girls! I may have thought this kind of stuff was cool when I was 12 but I no longer like walking on ice! I am so thinking about moving back to Phoenix! When I retire I want to be a snowbird for sure.

I confess, I've been lazy the last several days. I don't storms just affect me that way. All I want to do is sit by the fire and read or knit but alas, it's time to get back to work. I've had some thoughts milling around in my head and I'm ready to start writing them down. I really love my hero and heroine and I'm enjoying this WIP so much. I'm torn between wanting to be done and yet not wanting to be done. Maybe that means there's a part 2 to this story? I think there definitely will be.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Contest entry is in the mail

It's done. I sent off my entry for my local chapter romance contest. Now I just have to be patient and wait for the feedback until probably May or maybe even June. So now I can relax and get back to work on my current WIP and just forget about the contest until I get my score sheets back.

Ah yes...I was going to gripe a little bit about commercials. I don't know about anyone else but I am really tired of seeing commercials about "erectile dysfunction" drugs, people who have herpes and all the other herbs, gels, creams, etc. related to sex. I'm just sick of the whole drug ad thing in general. How depressing is it to see all these commercials for people with cancer? If, God forbid, I ever get cancer I'll trust my doctor to give me the prescriptions I need.

Whatever happened to the ads for diapers and detergent on daytime TV? I think I want to go back and live in the 50's. Or maybe it's time to seriously think about keeping the TV turned off except for special movies that I know will be the latest of the Michael Landon, Jr. movies on the Hallmark Channel. Boy, I love those movies, but the very best of them was "Love Comes Softly." Sigh..I watch it over and over again with Caitlin. I've decided I'm in love with Clark Davis -- not the actor Dale Midkiff mind you, although he certainly is cute, but I want a Clark Davis in my life.

I'm so glad Michael decided to follow in his father's footsteps and create good, moral, family friendly movies. I hope to see a lot more from him.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Monday, Monday

Well, I've thrown Cowgirl Caitlin's kitty, "Chase" from my lap and finished the final edit on my contest entry and the E-ville, wicked synopsis that goes with it. Soon I'll be printing out the required five copies each, double-spaced in an appropriate 12-point font, collated, set with one-inch margins on 20 weight paper at precisely 25 lines per page, with a sheet of colored paper separating each synopsis and manuscript and bound with a bankers clip.
I'll include my completed, signed entry form, my check for the appropriate entry fee and my USPS Priority Mail (tyvek, no less) SASE for the return of 3 entries and my score sheets. (stamps only, no metered mail.) Boy are they picky or what?

Do I expect anything more than feedback? Nope. It's just the first real step in my journey to hopefully getting published someday. Hope I don't wimp after getting the brutal criticism I keep hearing about.
We shall see....

Also, today is the first day of my trying to cut back on caffeine. I'm a big caffeine drinker from waaay back and this ain't gonna be easy, folks. Oh, how I do love my Starbucks House Blend and my cup of hot Oolong, but lately I've been noticing the negative effects it has on me -- like LYING AWAKE IN BED TILL 3 AM, being dehydrated and shall we say -- a little edgy.

If this cutting back on caffeine thing works out for me, I'm going to shoot for almost no sugar. I've already cut way back on my sugar consumption but I'd really like to cut it and meat down to almost nothing.
Wish me luck on all the above.
I think tomorrow I'll complain about some of TV commercials I'm seeing. Blech...

Friday, January 05, 2007

Parasailing, RWA Contests and Brenda Coulter

Hey...just wanted to share a photo of big scardey cat me, PARA SAILING in Hawaii! Maybe ya'll think this is no biggie but if you had any idea what a coward I've been all my life about both heights and water, you'd know what a major accomplishment this was for me.
I just figgered it was time to conquer at least one of my fears and I managed to (sort of) kill two birds with one stone. And besides, my new daughter-in-law's mother was there so I had to be cool.
On to another subject.
I'm entering my first romance writing contest at my local RWA Chapter and I'm so excited and nervous. I don't delude myself for one moment that I'm gonna win or even place, but I hope to get some good feedback. I've heard all the horror stories about entrants being crushed by bad feedback from not-so-kind judges but I think it's time for me to jump in and get my feet wet. Hey...that kinda ties in with my overcoming my fear of water, doesn't it? (Okay, I'm giddy tonight.)
Brenda Coulter says she doesn't want to judge the RITAs because she's easily bored by bad writing. C'mon Brenda, be a good sport, girl! Somebody has to read your entry, don't they?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Books and More Books

I just watched The DaVinci code on DVD. Man am I ever glad I didn't spend money to see it at the theater. What a snooze and the book was such a page turner.
I know most Christians will say they didn't read the book but I knew I was strong enough in my faith to not be influenced by any of the was just fiction as far as I'm concerned.
But the Dan Brown book that I found very disturbing was "Angels and Demons." I think in that book Brown really showed his contempt for Christianity.

Watching that movie and thinking about the book prompted me to think about the books I've read this year and it was pretty diverse!

    * Paul: The Mind of the Apostle by A. N. Wilson
    * Leather and Lace by Diann Mills
    * The Measure of a Lady by Deeanne Gist
    * Mayflower by Nathaniel Philbrick
    * The Color of Your Skin Ain't the Color of Your Heart by Michael Phillips
    * Two Women of Galilee by Mary Rourke (I loved this book!)
    * Christ the Lord by Anne Rice
    * Thunderhead by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
    * And I'm just starting The Shape Shifter by Tony Hillerman

I always think I need to have a yard sale but I have a horrible time parting with any of my books and I have boxes and boxes of them -- probably just about every book I've ever read. After I've read them and loved them, they're my friends and I can't let them go.
Now I really need to stop playing on the internet and get busy writing the synopsis for my WIP.

Anne Rice's Christ the Lord

You know, I first saw Anne Rice talking about this book on The O'Reilly Factor. I had never read any of her books before but knew about her "Vampire Chronicles" books so I was more than a little skeptical when I heard her talking about writing a Christian book. She said she had returned to the faith of her youth and that she "realized that I wanted to write just about Jesus Christ for the rest of my career, in one way or another."
This was on the tail of Mel Gibson's "Passion of the Christ" and all things Christian seemed to be coming into vogue.
Well, as I said I was skeptical and also, I wasn't sure how I felt about reading a fictional account of Christ's childhood. I was afraid it might even be sort of sacrilegious but I bought the book and read it. I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm eagerly awaiting the next book in the series.
I believe Anne is sincere in her love of the Lord and that she really has come full circle in her faith.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

This is a good thing...right?

  • Healthy Fast Food at last?
I just read today that many of the major fast food chains are going trans fat free, or at least cutting way back. This is fantastic! Doesn't this mean that I can indulge without feeing guilty about contributing to the ruination of my health?

According to the articles I read today, Starbucks Corp. is cutting trans fats from the doughnuts, muffins and other treats in half of its U.S. stores, and plans to eventually drop the artery-clogging fats from company-operated coffeehouses across the country.

Trans fats, which have been linked to heart disease, are being removed from many fast food kitchens nationwide as companies try to improve offerings to health-conscious diners. Wendy’s International Inc. and KFC have already switched to a zero-trans fat oil, and McDonald’s Corp. is considering the change.
Taco Bell is owned by Louisville, Ky.-based Yum Brands Inc., which is also the parent of Pizza Hut and KFC, which announced last month that it was switching to a non-trans fat oil.

Everyone says the food tastes better when cooked with the "bad" oil but I say, of the reasons many of us eat at fast food joints in convenience not just taste so this can only be good news!
  • Another cool thing in the news today... UFOs at O'Hare International! How exciting is that?!

In Chicago, Federal officials say it was probably just some weird weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airline employees swear they saw a mysterious, saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport last fall.The workers, some of them pilots, said the object didn't have lights and hovered over an airport terminal before shooting up through the clouds, according to a report in Monday's Chicago Tribune.