First the great's my brand-spanking new granddaughter Mia Grace. Isn't she beautiful?
Finally, I get to buy some cute pink things!
Saturday I went to our RWA chapter meeting and they were doing training on how to judge contest entries as opposed to critiquing a scene or chapter of a manuscript. I was very impressed with the fairness and the strictness of the guidelines. I can see that the judges will have to be on their toes all the time to keep their personal bias out of the judging.
Take for example, the heroine. The score sheet asks whether she is a clearly drawn, three-dimensional character with a unique voice...not if you like her. The trainer seemed to be having a little trouble impressing upon a couple of people the importance of remembering not to score according to whether they like the hero/heroine. A bit frightening for me to hear as a contest entrant.
The good news is I know for a fact that at least one of the judges is an inspirational/historical/western writer so maybe she will know where I'm coming from when she reads my entry. This is all new to me but so much fun!
I hope I still think it's fun after I've read my feedback. Eeek!